Perpich News

Nadia Yliniemi (Musical Theater 2023) Receives Rotary Scholarship

May 22, 2023

Nadia Yliniemi (Musical Theater 2023)

Congratulations to Nadia Yliniemi (Musical Theater 2023) on receiving the Golden Valley Rotary Club’s Senior Scholarship! Nadia graduated with honors from Perpich Arts High School on May 26, 2023. She has plans to earn a BFA in Musical Theater at Long Island University – Post in the fall.

Assistant Principal Rebecca Bullen said, “Nadia is a delightful young artist who impacts others through her performances. It has been a gift to see her utilize her artistic skills to connect with, elevate, and share the stories of others. Perpich’s production of Queen Bull created a space for her to come together with, support, and share the voices of middle school students. Quilters brought history and connection to important contemporary issues, particularly women. Nadia is well deserving of this scholarship and will continue to impact others as she ventures forward at Long Island University.”

The scholarship is given to a student that exemplifies service above self, the motto that 1.4 million members of Rotary International embrace. The Golden Valley Rotary Club was founded in 1973 and the members are dedicated to the youth and environment of Golden Valley. This year’s scholarship is valued at $500.

Yliniemi is originally from Park Rapids, Minnesota and previously attended Park Rapids Area High School.