Perpich News

Arts Standards Required Implementation Year Delay

August 1, 2021

The following language was included in the 2021 K-12 Education Omnibus bill:

“REVISED ACADEMIC STANDARDS IMPLEMENTATION SUSPENSION. Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, section 120B.021, the commissioner of education must suspend until June 1, 2023 any implementation of revised academic standards not already implemented as of January 1, 2021 under Minnesota Statutes, section 120B.021. This suspension does not prevent the commissioner from continuing with current rulemaking activities or developing future statewide assessments.

EFFECTIVE DATE. This section is effective the day following final enactment.”

This impacts arts and physical education, which were scheduled for implementation next year. They are both now required for implementation in the 2023-24 school year. It does not impact any other standards areas. The new full implementation schedule is:

  • Physical Education: 2023-24
  • Arts: 2023-24
  • Science: 2024-25
  • English Language Arts: 2025-26
  • Social Studies: TBD (likely 2026-27)
  • Mathematics: TBD (likely 2027-28)

Districts may implement earlier if they desire and MDE will continue to support districts as requested. For any questions regarding arts standards, please reach out to Alina Campana; for physical education standards, please reach out to Mary Thissen-Milder, and general standards questions to Doug Paulson. They may be contacted at

Questions and Answers Specific to the Arts and Physical Education Academic Standards
  • What content areas are specifically affected in standard implementation delay?
    • Arts Education and Physical Education
  • What does this legislation do?
    • Before this bill, both the Minnesota K-12 Academic Standards in Arts Education and the 2018 Academic Standards in Physical Education were to be implemented by the 2021-22 school year. This legislation delays implementation until June 1, 2023. The Arts and Physical Education standards are now to be fully implemented by the 2023-24 school year. Districts may implement earlier, if they desire.
    • Rulemaking and standard development work will continue in the content areas of English Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, and Mathematics.
  • What does “full implementation” mean for the Arts and Physical Education standards?
    • For both the Arts and Physical Education, full implementation means that instruction in K-8 includes all the 2018 standards and benchmarks, and courses at the high school level, through which students meet arts or physical education graduation requirements, must include the 2018 Minnesota Academic Standards in Arts and Physical Education. Districts may implement earlier, if they desire, and MDE will continue to support districts as requested.
  • Does the legislation change Minnesota requirements for Arts Education and Physical Education?
    • No. Requirements remain the same for both content areas.
      • Physical Education requirements: All students in grades K-8 must receive instruction in physical education every year. High school students must receive instruction in physical education at least once. The amount of credit and graduation requirement is determines at the local level.
      • Arts Education requirements: All students in grades K-8 must receive instruction in arts education every year. There are additional requirements regarding the number of arts areas that a school offers and requires for students. State graduation requirements in the arts include credit requirements and standards requirements. All students are required to satisfactorily complete one arts credit encompassing the high school academic standards in the relevant arts area. View an overview of these requirements.
  • Will the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) continue to provide professional development opportunities for implementation of the Arts and Physical Education standards prior to June 1, 2023?
  • What can school districts do to continue preparing for standard implementation in both the Arts and Physical Education?