Perpich Professional Development and Resource Programs




in the arts


Highly experienced arts specialists at Perpich Center are available to work with teachers and administrators across Minnesota. Through networking and professional learning, educators are primed to increase their knowledge, skills, and toolbox of arts-focused resources to improve student success.

Our professional development staff provides district, school, and one-on-one support statewide in the arts including arts instruction and assessment, curriculum development, district arts programming, standards implementation, and other professional development needs. Programs, workshops, and conferences focus on relevant arts education topics to support educator growth and expertise.

Our goal in Professional Development and Resource Programs is to build teacher and administrator capacity statewide so they can provide innovative, inclusive, standards-based, measurable, and student-centered learning in and through the arts. To reach this goal, our programming priorities include:

  • Addressing teacher isolation and building communities of belonging;
  • Shifting paradigms and practices in Arts education;
  • Collaborating for anti-racism/equity/social justice.


Comprehensive Arts Planning Program (CAPP) – The CAPP Program provides assistance to selected public school districts as they design three-year, strategic plans for K-12 arts education programs. CAPP provides financial and technical assistance to support the strategic planning process through workshops, site visits, and resource materials.

Regional Centers – The Regional Center’s program provides professional development and leadership opportunities to Minnesota teachers through our Regional Arts Teacher-Leader Network, Demonstration Schools, and Regional Workshops.

State Arts Education Specialists:

Dance Education Specialist – Supports dance educators with standards implementation, curriculum, instruction, and assessment in the K-12 classroom through workshops, classroom visits, and other professional development opportunities. The Dance Specialist also supports physical education and general education teachers with bringing movement into their classrooms.

Music Education Specialist – Serves the work of Minnesota music educators and administrators through dynamic regional workshops, classroom visits, consultation, and professional development customized to their school or district needs.

Theater Education Specialist – Advances the work of theater education in Minnesota by supporting theater teachers, directors, English Language Arts teachers, elementary generalists, and others in standards implementation, curriculum development, and assessment through classroom visits, regional workshops, theater partnerships, mentorships, and more.

Visual & Media Arts Education Specialist – Provides professional development, curriculum development, standards implementation, and more to assist in the advancement of visual and media arts programs in schools across Minnesota.

Professional Development Digital Resources – Click here for resources that have been collected or created to support distance and e-learning development.

following Academic standards

Professional Development staff have expertise with Minnesota K-12 Academic Standards in all arts areas as well as interdisciplinary arts education. We can be instrumental in helping you implement the academic standards.

Minnesota Arts Education Organizations Community Calendar

Welcome to the Minnesota’s Arts Education Organizations Community Calendar!

Each organization serves member-educators in their respective arts area—dance, theater, music, visual and media arts.

Minnesota Arts Education organizations have shared this information about meetings, events, and professional development opportunities. Some events may be for specified participants, while others may require membership in the organization and/or a registration fee. A link to more detailed information is included with each event.

Do you know of an event hosted by a Minnesota Arts Education organization that others should know about, too? Click here to submit an event form.