Perpich News
Former Lt. Governor Marlene Johnson Visits Perpich Center
October 22, 2024
Perpich Center for Arts Education was pleased to welcome former Lt. Governor, Marlene Johnson, to campus on October 22, 2024. Johnson served as the 42nd lieutenant governor of Minnesota, the first woman to hold the office. She was elected as the running mate of Governor Rudy Perpich and served from 1983 to 1991.

Lt. Gov. Marlene Johnson (right) poses with (from left) Anne Johnson, Admissions Director; Dr. Michael Buck, Music Specialist; Kristi Johnson, CAPP Specialist; Dr. Wendy Barden, Director of PDR; George Terry, Jr., Perpich Arts High School Assistant Principal
Johnson was pleased to visit Perpich Center. “I am impressed and excited about this extraordinary opportunity for Minnesota’s students to have an intensive program in their chosen field – from instrumental and voice performance, to visual arts to writing and more,” she said. “Governor Perpich’s vision and the bipartisan legislative support set the stage. Now, each day it is the talented team of artist practitioners, academic faculty, and administrators working with these gifted students from each corner of the state keeping Governor Perpich’s vision alive. Thank you for welcoming me to the school. I am inspired.”

Lt. Gov. Marlene Johnson signs a copy of her book, “Rise to the Challenge: A Memoir of Politics, Leadership, and Love” for the Perpich Library.
Lt. Gov. Johnson’s book, “Rise to the Challenge: A Memoir of Politics, Leadership, and Love” was published in late September. While at a book signing at Rain Taxi’s Twin Cities Book Festival on October 19th, Marlene spoke with Anne Johnson, Perpich Arts High School Admissions Director. Anne invited Marlene to campus for a visit and tour. During the visit, Marlene presented Perpich Center staff with a copy of her book which she signed for the occasion. The book is now available in the Perpich Library.
“It was my absolute honor to show Lt. Governor Marlene Johnson the Perpich Arts High School and dorm,” said Anne Johnson. “Having worked so hard alongside Governor Perpich to bring Perpich Center to fruition, Marlene reveled in how his vision has become a lasting legacy and a treasure for Minnesota students. Johnson asked great questions about the high school, the academics, and the arts. Several times along the way, she spent time with students and showed a real interest in their Perpich experience. As a lifelong supporter of the arts, Marlene continually marveled at the depth of the teaching and the resources available. Our tour included a visit to Delta Dorm, where Marlene celebrated that the plan for a statewide arts high school has been fully realized with everything offered at Perpich Arts High School. As we wrapped things up, Johnson gave a beautiful last comment, saying ‘Rudy would be so proud.'”
During Johnson’s visit, members of Perpich’s leadership team provided a brief overview of the agency’s three components: Professional Development and Resources (PDR), Arts High School, and Arts Library.
Dr. Wendy Barden, Director of PDR, said, “What an honor to meet and talk with former Lt. Governor Marlene Johnson! She was truly interested in all aspects of Perpich Center; a great champion for arts education for all Minnesota students.”