Perpich News

New Library Materials – Professional Books – Fall 2022

Act as a Feminist: Towards a Critical Acting Pedagogy – Lisa Peck

Acting in Musical Theatre: A Comprehensive Course, 3rd edition Joe Deer and Rocco Dal Vera

Activist Art in Social Justice Pedagogy: Engaging Students in Glocal Issues Through the Arts, Revised Edition – edited by Barbara Beyerbach, R. Deborah Davis, & Tania Ramalho

The Art of Resonance – Anne Bogart

Arts Integration: Teaching Subject Matter Through the Arts in Multicultural Settings, 6th edition – Merryl Goldberg

Arts Integration in Diverse K–5 Classrooms: Cultivating Literacy Skills and Conceptual Understanding – Liane Brouillette

Citizen Artists: A Guide to Helping Young People Make Plays That Change the World – James Wallert

Critical Companion to Native American and First Nations Theatre and Performance: Indigenous Spaces – Jayne T. Darby, Courtney Elkin Mohler, and Christy Stanlake

Critical Issues in Music Education: Contemporary Theory and Practice, 2nd Edition – edited by Harold F. Abeles, Lori A. Custodero

Cultural Competence Now: 56 Exercises to Help Educators Understand and Challenge Bias, Racism, and Privilege – Vernita Mayfield

Culturally Sustaining Pedagogies: Teaching and Learning For Justice in a Changing World – edited by Django Paris, H. Samy Alim

Culturally Sustaining Pedagogies in Music Education: Expanding Culturally Responsive Teaching to Sustain Diverse Musical Cultures and Identities – Emily Good-Perkins

Culture, Class, and Race: Constructive Conversations That Unite and Energize Your School and Community – Brenda CampbellJones, Shannon Keeny, Franklin CampbellJones

Dance Education: A Redefinition – Susan R. Koff – DANCE EDUCATION

Despite the Best Intentions: How Racial Inequality Thrives in Good Schools – Amanda E. Lewis and John B. Diamond

Fifty K-12 Art Lessons: Black & White Edition: Creative Differentiated Explorations In Art – Eric Gibbons

Fundamentals of Theatrical Design – Karen Brewster, Melissa Shafer

Improvisation for the Theater: A Handbook of Teaching and Directing Techniques, 3rd edition – Viola Spolin

Improvised Theatre and the Autism Spectrum: A Practical Guide to Teaching Social Connection and Communication Skills – Gary Kramer and Richie Ploesch

Inclusivity and Equality in Performance Training: Teaching and Learning for Neuro and Physical Diversity – edited by Petronilla Whitfield

The Innocent Classroom: Dismantling Racial Bias to Support Students of Color – Alexs Pate

Inside the Rehearsal Room: Process, Collaboration and Decision-Making – Robert Marsden

Letting Go of Literary Whiteness: Antiracist Literature Instruction for White Students – Carlin Borsheim-Black, Sophia Tatiana Sarigianides

Moviemaking in the Classroom: Lifting Student Voices Through Digital Storytelling – Jessica Pack

Music, Education, and Diversity: Bridging Cultures and Communities – Patricia Shehan Campbell

Music Learning Today: Digital Pedagogy for Creating, Performing, and Responding to Music – William I. Bauer

The Photography Teacher’s Handbook: Practical Methods for Engaging Students in the Flipped Classroom – Garin Horner

A Place in the Staff: Finding Your Way as a Music Teacher – Jen Rafferty

Pushing up the Sky: Seven Native American Plays for Children – Joseph Bruchac; illustrated by Teresa Flavin

Responsive Classroom for Music, Art, PE, and Other Special Areas – Responsive Classroom

Rethinking Music Education and Social Change – Alexandra Kertz-Welzel

The Routledge Companion to the Contemporary Musical – edited by Jessica Sternfeld and Elizabeth L. Wollman

STEAM + Arts Integration: Insights and Practical Applications – edited by Jacqueline Cofield

Teaching Drama: The Essential Handbook – Denver Casado

Teaching Drama With, Without and About Gender: Resources, Ideas and Lesson Plans for Students 11–18 – Jo Riley

Teaching Music in American Society: A Social and Cultural Understanding of Music Education, 3rd edition – Steven N. Kelly

Teaching Photography: Tools for the Imaging Educator, 2nd edition – Glenn Rand, Jane Alden Stevens, Garin Horner

The Theatre of the Oppressed in Practice Today: An Introduction to the Work and Principles of Augusto Boal – Ali Campbell

Theatre Pedagogy in the Era of Climate Crisis – edited by Conrad Alexandrowicz and David Fancy

Toward a Future Theatre: Conversations during a Pandemic – Caridad Svitch

Troubling Traditions: Canonicity, Theatre, and Performance in the US – edited by Lindsey Mantoan, Matthew Moore and Angela Farr Schiller

Upbeat!: Mindset, Mindfulness, and Leadership in Music Education and Beyond – Matthew Arau

Visible Learners: Promoting Reggio-Inspired Approaches in All Schools – Mara Krechevsky, Ben Mardell, Melissa Rivard, Daniel G. Wilson

Whiteness and Antiracism: Beyond White Privilege Pedagogy – Kevin Lally

All items are available at the Perpich Library.