Perpich News
Theater Classroom Visit at St. Anthony Park Elementary with Lein Walseth
November 21, 2024
On November 18, 2024, elementary theater educators from across the metro area joined Perpich’s Theater Education Specialist, Dr. Stephanie Lein Walseth, to observe Ahna Brandvik teach drama classes in grades 3-5 at St. Anthony Park Elementary School in St. Paul Public Schools. One observing teacher noted that their biggest “ah-ha” moment from the day was realizing that they need to slow down their pacing. “I often feel the pressure to get through a unit, but Ahna reassured me that it is not time to move on until students can show their knowledge.” Other takeaways for observers included new ideas for curriculum mapping, seating charts, theater games, storybooks to use, the use of “hand motions and sign language to help make connections in student‘s brains,” set design units, and inspiration for making marionette puppets. Taken together, one educator noted, “These classroom visits are always the most useful and informative PDs that I get!”

Elementary theater educators observe during Ahna Brandvik’s drama classes in grades 3-5 at St. Anthony Park Elementary School in St. Paul Public Schools
“Teachers learning from teachers” is at the heart of Perpich’s Classroom Visit program, facilitated by the Professional Development and Resource Programs team. A classroom visit is a half- to full-day experience with up to five or six arts educators. Participants are provided with the day’s lesson plan, then observe up to three hours of classes. The afternoon is focused on debriefing the morning’s observations with the host teacher and one of Perpich’s Arts Education Specialists. Participants and the host teacher ask questions, share reflections and wonderings, and create collaborative conversations to spark ideas for everyone to bring back to their classrooms.
“Classroom visits are one of my favorite professional development opportunities that we offer through our work at Perpich, and our visit to St. Anthony Park Elementary was no exception,” said Lein Walseth. “The learning was exponential, and the cross-pollination of teachers from across the state coming together to observe and discuss teaching in the theater classroom was so productive and heartening. The renewed energy that teachers come away with is absolutely palpable!”
Ahna Brandvik, M.Ed., Theater Specialist, is a licensed K-12 Theater Specialist who began teaching in St. Paul Public Schools in 2004. Ahna earned a BA from Luther College, in Decorah, IA and her Masters of Arts in Education from Lesley University in Boston, MA. Before coming to St Paul Public Schools, Ahna spent 15 years working as a professional actor, performing at local theaters such as The Children’s Theater Company, The History Theater, and The Brave New Workshop. While at the Brave New Workshop, Ahna founded the BNW Youth Improv Team.
Stephanie Lein Walseth, Ph.D. is a theater educator, artist, administrator, and scholar with over 20 years experience working with students and artists of all ages. She is a founding core artistic group member of Full Circle Theater Company, and she has served tenures with Penumbra Theatre Company, Mu Performing Arts, Mixed Blood Theatre, and Sod House Theater, among many other professional companies in Minnesota and across the country. Stephanie received her Ph.D. in Theatre Historiography from the University of Minnesota, and her research focuses on theaters of color and issues of equity, diversity, and inclusion. She has served as an instructor and curriculum developer at Augsburg University, the University of Minnesota, and Penumbra. Her writing has appeared in HowlRound, Theatre Topics, e-misférica, The Baylor Journal of Theatre and Performance, and the anthology Theater, Performance and Change.
The next theater classroom visit is set for Wednesday, December 11 at St. Paul Central High School.
Photos from the Classroom Visit at St. Anthony Park Elementary School in St. Paul Public Schools on November 18, 2024