Perpich News
Three Perpich Faculty Featured in Mia’s “Foot in the Door 5” Exhibition
November 1, 2020
Three of our Perpich Arts High School faculty members are featured in this year’s Foot in the Door 5 – The Virtual Exhibition at the Minneapolis Institute of Art (Mia). Rebecca Bullen (Studio Arts Chair), Kathryn D’Elia (Visual Arts Instructor), and Kate Vinson (Visual Arts Instructor) have pieces in the exhibit. The exhibition runs November 1, 2020 – January 10th, 2021.
Rebecca Bullen said, “Connecting through art has been a saving grace through the most recent challenging months. As an artist, the Foot in The Door exhibition is a great opportunity to be a part of an eclectic group of artists who’ve taken a moment to share and connect through many forms of expression. As a viewer, I feel fortunate to have further insight and inspiration into the journey and vision of others.” View Rebecca’s piece here.
Kathryn D’Elia said, “I am delighted that the Mia was able to adapt the format of this exhibition, that involves such wide community participation. [My submission] is a painting my partner modeled for, where I experimented with a grisaille underpainting and merging observational with abstracted forms.” View Kathryn’s piece here.
Kate Vinson said, “This piece was made when I was a protégé in a mentoring experience through the Textile Center of Minnesota. I appreciate the value of mentoring experiences as a lifelong practicing artist and the community connections it enhances.” View Kate’s piece here.
Since 1980, Foot in the Door has been an open exhibition for Minnesotan artists of all ages to present their work at the Minneapolis Institute of Art. The exhibition occurs once every 10 years, and by now, generations of artists have participated in it. The sole curatorial criteria? All submissions must measure at or under 12 inches in height, width, and depth – literally inviting artists to place “a foot” in the museum’s galleries.
Serving as a snapshot of Minnesota’s creative scene, Foot in the Door 5 celebrates the talent, diversity, and enthusiasm of our state’s visual artists. To prioritize safety for artists, visitors, and staff alike, this celebration of our community’s creativity is entirely virtual this year. Thanks to all artists who make this exhibition possible, especially amid the coronavirus pandemic and subsequent economic and personal impacts. You are proof that in times of adversity, creativity still triumphs.
Please note: Because this is an open-call exhibition, it might contain artworks some viewers consider inappropriate or objectionable. That’s democratic artistic expression in action.