REGISTRATION HERE: Registration link will be sent in an email to program participants MEETING LOCATION: Perpich Center for Arts Education - Gaia Building DATE: Monday, May 1, 2023 MEETING TIME: 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. DETAILS: We will wrap up the 2021- 2023 CAPP Cohort...
TICKET RESERVATION LINK Perpich Arts High School Musical Theater "Company" presents "Connection - A Musical Examination of Relationships" The Spring 2023 members of Company have put together a compilation of music expressing different forms of relationships. From friendships, romances, and family, they sought to portray...
TICKET RESERVATION LINK Perpich Arts High School Musical Theater "Company" presents "Connection - A Musical Examination of Relationships" The Spring 2023 members of Company have put together a compilation of music expressing different forms of relationships. From friendships, romances, and family, they sought to portray...
A virtual informational meeting for all current parents/families 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 9th Topic – last chance to review important details for all of our end of year activities Meeting link
This meeting of the Perpich Center for Arts Education Board of Directors is open to the public and being conducted in accordance with Minnesota Statute 13D.015 — Meetings by Telephone or Other Electronic Means. This meeting will be conducted virtually via Zoom and recorded with...
Perpich Arts High School Studio Arts Department Presents: Junior Curriculum Exhibition "2-For-1 Combo" RESERVE TICKETS HERE "2 for 1 combo, limited time only! We here at Perpich use all the freshest ingredients and pour our hearts into the pieces we create to make sure that...
RESERVE TICKETS HERE Perpich Arts High School Dance Program is happy to present "Threshold". The spring concert is the culmination of a semester of work. The dancers will demonstrate their creativity, choreographic skills, and performance expertise in 22 student choreographed works, and two guest works....
RESERVE TICKETS HERE Perpich Arts High School Dance Program is happy to present "Threshold". The spring concert is the culmination of a semester of work. The dancers will demonstrate their creativity, choreographic skills, and performance expertise in 22 student choreographed works, and two guest works....
This meeting of the Perpich Center for Arts Education Board of Directors is open to the public and being conducted in accordance with Minnesota Statute 13D.015 — Meetings by Telephone or Other Electronic Means. This meeting will be conducted virtually via Zoom and recorded with...
RESERVE TICKETS HERE The Literary Arts Department of Perpich Arts High School presents "The Final Goose Chase". Just like the seasons, we in Lit have come full circle with our final reading on May 17th, at 6:30 p.m. Our first reading this year was unofficially...
RESERVE TICKETS HERE The Music Department of Perpich Arts High School is very excited to be presenting the fourth and final concert of the year. The concert will be the presentation of the work created by students in their small ensembles - both covers of...
RESERVE TICKETS HERE Senior Capstone is a quarter long, process-driven project required for graduation by the Perpich Theater Program. Seniors execute and thoroughly document a sustained project of their own design over the course of 4th quarter. Projects may be connected to creative collaborative production...
This meeting of the Perpich Center for Arts Education Board of Directors is open to the public and being conducted in accordance with Minnesota Statute 13D.015 — Meetings by Telephone or Other Electronic Means. This meeting will be conducted virtually via Zoom and recorded with...
This meeting of the Perpich Center for Arts Education Board of Directors is open to the public and being conducted in accordance with Minnesota Statute 13D.015 — Meetings by Telephone or Other Electronic Means. This meeting will be conducted virtually via Zoom and recorded with...
Perpich Arts High School Class of 2023 Graduation is scheduled on Friday, May 26, 2023 at 2:00 p.m. This is a ticketed event; tickets will be distributed to students at Perpich. All guests (with the exception of graduating students) need tickets to enter the hall...