Arts Integration
“Arts Integration is an approach to teaching in which students construct and demonstrate understanding through an art form. Students engage in a creative process which connects an art form and another subject area and meets evolving objectives in both.” – Kennedy Center
When we mention “arts integration,” people envision very different processes and outcomes. At Perpich Center, we are thinking about arts integration along a continuum. #ItDepends.
Here are some considerations to begin your planning for arts integration:
- What is your goal in using arts integration?
- What connection will your lesson(s) or unit have to standards and benchmarks?
- What is your plan for assessing learning—who is leading/scoring the assessment, what is being assessed, using what type of assessment?
- Is there adequate time for teachers to plan collaboratively?
- Do all students have classes/experience/skills in the subjects being integrated?
The combined answers to these questions will help you select the most appropriate model on the continuum for the lesson(s) or unit you have in mind. Answers to these questions are below.