Comprehensive Arts Planning Program (CAPP)


Perpich Center for Arts Education is proud to announce the 2023-2025 award recipients for the Comprehensive Arts Planning Program (CAPP): Bluffview Montessori (Winona), Central Public Schools, Chisholm Public Schools, Duluth Public Schools, Hopkins Public Schools, MACCRAY Public Schools, St. Cloud Area School District, and Yellow Medicine East Schools.

Minnesota’s Comprehensive Arts Planning Program (CAPP) provides assistance to selected public school districts as they design three-year, strategic plans for K-12 arts education programs. CAPP provides financial and technical assistance to support the strategic planning process through workshops, site visits, leadership development, and resource materials.

This program is a district-wide initiative, which must include all arts areas currently administered in the district. It is not a program for one school in a district, one grade level in a district, or one arts area in a district.

Purpose and History

The Minnesota Comprehensive Arts Planning Program (CAPP) is a program of Perpich Center for Arts Education. The purpose of this legislatively-funded program is to support and assist a local school district’s arts planning team in creating a district-wide, three-year strategic plan. This plan addresses arts education policies, programs and partnerships for students in the district and community. Since its inception in 1983, close to 230 school districts have participated in the CAPP program. CAPP success demonstrates that the effort of a broad-based district arts team can be essential to the development of a sound and sustainable plan for arts education.

Program Structure

Initially, the CAPP process involves selecting co-chairs (K-12 district leaders) who then receive professional development to lead a local CAPP committee. Co-chairs and district administration identify district and community members with an active and wide-ranging interest in the arts and arts education within their school district for their committee. This local CAPP committee has the responsibility to create a comprehensive arts education strategic plan acceptable to the district and community.

In year one, CAPP teams conduct a needs assessment and engage in a strategic planning process to design a district-wide, three-year arts education plan, which is presented to and approved by the school board. In year two, CAPP sites implement the first year of their three-year plan and evaluate their progress. CAPP co-chairs from each site gather three times each year to participate in professional development to build leadership capacity. In year three and four, the CAPP committee continues to meet and monitor progress of their strategic plan.

Program Outcomes

The following are the desired outcomes for CAPP sites. The local CAPP committee in each district determines strategies that help their schools and communities achieve these outcomes.

  1. All K-12 students participate in a comprehensive, standards-based, student-centered curriculum that produces measurable results.
  2. A comprehensive assessment is undertaken to determine the needs and opportunities which will inform the three-year strategic plan.
  3. A workable, sustainable CAPP strategic plan is developed, specific to the district and community.
  4. Collaborations and communications between district arts programming and the community are established and maintained.
  5. Sustainable arts education leadership within the school district and community is established and maintained.
  6. The impact and involvement of the CAPP committee itself is evaluated.
Examples of Local CAPP Initiatives
  • Developing an arts career pathway/exploration (career-focused experiences) for middle school and high school students
  • Elevating and empowering student leadership in arts programs (such as a student committee of arts supporters and student-designed performances and showcases)
  • Connecting and building empowering arts partnerships
  • Building a community-sponsored fund for the purchase of instruments
  • Improving alignment of class registration and class scheduling processes in regards to arts requirements
  • Increasing arts staff to be able to deliver three arts areas in middle school
Program Support for District CAPP Committees
  • From the eight selected districts, a cohort of CAPP co-chairs is formed to serve as peer-to-peer mentors throughout the two- year program.
  • Within each district, CAPP co-chairs and administration gather three times a year for professional development with the CAPP Specialist and other Perpich staff, as needed.
  • Within each district, the CAPP Specialist leads one on-site workshop for the local CAPP Committee each year of the program.
  • Throughout the program, virtual and in-person check-in meetings are held with local district Co-Chairs.
  • Financial contract support: $2,500 for school year 2023- 2024 and $2,500 for school year 2024- 2025. This program is not a grant; rather it is a contract with four deliverables throughout the two years of the cohort. As such, money is not provided at the beginning of the program but is delivered after the receipt of each program deliverable.
Frequently Asked Questions

"CAPP is the vehicle for the district to align and enhance arts education, ignite student interest and engagement in the arts in new and unique ways, develop a cadre of arts leaders who can implement positive changes in arts programming, and support Arts Pathways that partner schools and the community."

Dr. Theresa Battle, Burnsville-Eagan-Savage (ISD 191) Superintendent

"Comprehensive arts programming has been a tradition in Brooklyn Center for decades. With the CAPP award, we will be able to better integrate this rich tradition into our STEAM programming for all learners from the first day of Pre-K to graduation."

Dr. Carly Baker, Brooklyn Center Superintendent

"Our students are the dreamers of today and the leaders of tomorrow. With a solid arts education they will be empowered to strengthen all areas of learning for the remainder of their lives and find true joy along the way! Arts Matter!"

Arthur C. Turner, III, Loveworks Academy for the Arts Executive Director

"Zumbro Education District is honored to be receiving the Minnesota Comprehensive Arts Planning Program award. This will not only set a firm art education foundation for our district but also help our neediest learners. Through CAPP, our district can provide additional art opportunities to our students that were not present before this award."

Patrick Gordon, Executive Director

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kristi johnson, capp Specialist

Kristi Johnson | 763-279-4183

Kristi Johnson is a theater K-12 educator, teaching artist, youth theater director, arts administrator, and strategic planner. Her career has spanned working in youth theater companies (Honolulu Theater for Youth, SteppingStone Theatre for Youth, Children’s Theatre Company, Stages Theatre Company) and working as a full-time theater specialist in school districts (Brooklyn Center and Minneapolis), focusing on play creation, creative program development, drama arts integration, and issues of equity, diversity, and inclusion. She was named Sun Post Reader’s Choice Teacher of the Year for the Brooklyn Center School District in 2011. Her extensive experience in youth program development, school-day and arts-school arts programming, teaching artist residencies, and strategic planning facilitation uniquely position her to lead Perpich’s Comprehensive Arts Planning Program (CAPP).

Kristi’s Perpich story began in 2005 as an organizational grant awardee in the Arts and Schools as Partners (ASAP) program. She extended her connection with Perpich, serving as a member of the Arts Education Consortium of Minnesota, from 2006-2008. Then in 2010 and 2011, she served as an art coach and teaching artist in the Professional Development and Resource Program’s ACE Theater program. In 2018, she was hired as the CAPP Specialist, to restart the Comprehensive Arts Planning Program. She has led two CAPP cohorts (2019-2021, 2021-2023) of eight school districts each, helping districts assess their current arts programming, which leads to envisioning and implementing an arts education strategic plan.

2021 – 2023 CAPP SITES
  • Art and Science Academy
  • Brooklyn Center Community Schools
  • Burnsville-Eagan-Savage School District
  • LoveWorks Academy
  • Minnesota Excellence in Learning Academy
  • Monticello Public Schools
  • Russell–Tyler–Ruthton School District
  • Zumbro Education District