Publications from The Perpich Center
The Artful Teaching & Learning Handbook provides blueprints for a versatile arts education model. Full of tools, processes and examples from its field sites, the handbook offers the practitioner research-based support for building arts-based and arts-infused learning. This model is powered by the belief that all students can achieve high academic standards in and through the arts.
ARTFUL Teaching and Learning began in 2002 as a three-year project funded by the U.S. Department of Education Arts Education Model Development and Dissemination Grant Program. To develop the model, the Minneapolis Public Schools worked together with Perpich Center for Arts Education. Over the years of development a team of designers synthesized arts-based and inquiry-based learning approaches that were then applied in urban, rural and small city settings.
The Dance Education Initiative Curriculum Guide is a valuable resource for K-16 dance educators and teaching artists. It frames dance as an integral part of learning for all students.
Part One provides an orientation to the guide that establishes a point of view about dance in the schools and includes material that may help to advocate for the importance of dance in school curricula.
Part Two introduces a model for dance in the schools. The model is explained through perspectives on the art and discipline of dance. It is widely applicable to any form of dance and to any educational setting. Part Three provides tools for planning and implementing dance learning experience.
Engaging Students in the Arts: Creating, Performing, and Responding was published in 2004 and remains a useful resource today. It contains information on arts standards and artistic processes to help teachers develop and implement high quality curriculum.
It includes the following:
- The 2004 Minnesota Academic Standards in the Arts K-12 that identify important learning goals for students
- A curriculum framework based on the Large Processes—create, perform and respond—to support teachers in creating authentic arts experiences that are student-centered
- The Key Student Understandings to identify significant elements of a quality arts program K-12
- An appendix containing definitions of terms associated with the Large Processes, a sample arts rubric which identifies evaluation criteria and a sample learning activity at the primary, intermediate, middle and high school levels
These materials may be useful to you as you work to implement arts standards, develop curriculum aligned with current standards and coordinate instructional practice with new arts learning expectations. These materials are shared in the hopes they will support student learning and achievement in the arts.
GeT Perpich Publications
The Artful Teaching & Learning Handbook
The price for each handbook is $30 (includes shipping and handling).
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The price for each handbook is $28 (includes shipping and handling).
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