Perpich News


  • Picture Books Featuring BIPOC Women and Girls

    August 24, 2020

    Women and girls have historically had to work harder than their counterparts to get the rights they deserve, especially those women and girls of color. This selection of picture books features BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and people of color) women and girls who…

  • Graphic Memoirs from the Perpich Graphic Novel Collection

    July 22, 2020

    Graphic memoirs are a powerful and immersive way to experience another person’s life story. The combination of words and illustrations helps the narrative come alive in a unique way. Here is a selection of some of the fascinating graphic memoirs in Perpich…

  • New Picture Books by BIPOC Authors

    June 24, 2020

    These are a few of the newest picture books by Black, Indigenous, and people of color added to Perpich Library’s Children’s Arts and Diversity Collection. The collection focuses on picture books that reflect the life experiences and cultures of all people.

    1. Birdsong by…

  • Feel-Good Books During Trying Times

    May 14, 2020

    Times are tough, and sometimes you need to escape the real world for awhile by reading a good book. Whether you are laughing, learning something fascinating, visiting another world, experiencing new love, or being inspired by someone else’s life – reading can…

  • Perpich Library now has a Zine Collection

    The Perpich Library started a zine collection this summer! What is a zine? They are self-published works created to share thoughts, feelings, art, experience, knowledge, and more with others. A zine is a small-circulation self-published work of original or appropriated texts and images, usually…
